From the Monti Trebulani to Volturno Valley

car, motorbike, camper van, bike

As the road climbs to Villa Santa Croce, the view opens onto the vast horizon over Volturno Valley, Monte Taburno, the hills of Caiazzo and the Monti Trebulani. The first part winds through the greenery along nerve-racking and spectacular slopes. Af- ter Castel di Sasso, the slopes are gentler and more relaxed towards Pontelatone and Piana di Monte Verna.


Start and end point: Caiazzo
Length: 40 km
Total ascent: 650 m
Type of path: paved
Difficulty (for cyclists): the first part of the route is more challenging (climb to Villa Santa Croce) and the streets are nar- row; zero difficulty from Pontelatone and a final climb towards Caiazzo (2.4 km). E-bikes are recommended for cyclists who aren’t in top shape.